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Judicatory Information

Candidate/Inquirer Psychological Assessment Program 

​MDS works with Committees on Candidacy/Preparation for Ministry to provide professional development readiness assessments and career counseling for individuals who are in the ordination process. A committee which is referring a candidate for ministry or inquirer to MDS is asked to refer the candidate/inquirer to the “Ministerial Candidates” page under “Ministry Development” on this website for information on the scheduling process and the necessary forms and to ask the candidate/inquirer to telephone MDS at 704.554.9222 as soon as possible to schedule the assessment.  


Clergy/Church Professionals Consultation Program

​MDS seeks to work with clergy and church professionals throughout their career journey. We thank you for the opportunity to provide to an individual who may be in crisis or transition a neutral space and time to reflect, explore concerns and be supported in their future ministry directions. 

FORMS- Judicatory

Clergy or Church Professional Referral Information

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