Resilient Ministry: Leadership Development and Effectiveness Series
This series will be facilitated by our seasoned MDS Counselors and will be offered throughout 2016. You can sign up for the entire series (recommended) or attend a la carte. This series will help you to reach your recommended continued education credits.
Western North Carolina Clergy and Ministry Professionals of the United Methodist Church receive a 50% discount thanks to funding by the WNC Leadership Development Team.
This workshop can be scheduled at your place or ours. Please call MDS to make reservations for your group at (704) 554-9222.
Spiritual Formation delivered by Jonathan Coppedge-Henley.
​Has God left the room? Discover what to do when your normal spiritual practices leave you dry. Moving to a deeper interior space of intimacy with God has a predictable path once we can see it. Come and see how to move forward in your spiritual formation.
Marriage and Family delivered by Ed Coambs.
Moving beyond tips, tricks and techniques come to see how personal and relational growth will provide you with lasting change in your marriage and family. Sometimes even the best of intentions have unintended consequences in the Christian home, discover some common patterns that interfere with family harmony.
TBD ½ day. Cost is $99.
​Self-Care delivered by John Arey.
​Caught up in the every day demands of ministry, clergy often find it difficult to take time to attend to their own health. Clergy do recognize the importance of self-care, but it is often deferred in order to fulfill their vocational and family responsibilities. Unfortunately, many pastors translate the word self-care as being selfish. That analysis can be damaging to the pastor (burnout, emotional exhaustion, health issues, etc.), their congregation and their own family. Learn how to take of yourself, and be even more effective in your ministry and in your home.
TBD 1/2 day. Cost is $99.
Cultural Intelligence delivered by Lenore Wilkinson.
EQ is not CQ. Emotional Intelligence is not Cultural Intelligence. As our communities become increasingly diverse, but congregations struggle with cultural diversity, understanding how to conceptualize and navigate cultural biases can help create a spiritual community that truly welcomes the stranger.
TBD ½ day. Cost is $99.​
Leadership and Management delivered by Lenore Wilkinson.
Who Am I? The Leadership Conundrum. There are several leadership and management tasks that are associated with effective ministry that foster both positive cohesion within a congregation and spiritual development. However attitude and personality characteristics influence how these tasks are viewed and accomplished. This workshop explores how the attitude and personality characteristics affect how a leader may view and engage in addressing the organizational and organic needs of a congregation.
TBD ½ day. Cost is $99.
If you are a Western North Carolina Clergy and Ministry Professionals of the United Methodist Church receive a 50% discount thanks to funding by the WNC Leadership Development Team. Please click here to register and pay for a Resilient Ministry workshop to receive your discount.​
Register with the Form & Pay Below:
The recommendation is to attend the entire series (which affords a discount) OR you can take the courses a’la carte. The price includes all materials and inventories that will be used. NOTE: For further depth, private counseling is an additional component that will be offered in reference to any of the above topics. The price is $300 for 4 coaching sessions (the fourth session is offered for free). If you a member of the Western UMC, please use the Western UMC participants payment button.