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Youth Discernment Program

Through the Youth Faith Informed Vocational Discernment Initiative, MDS reaches out to middle school through college-aged students of all religions to establish a campus initiative that will help students in identifying their unique, God-given gifts. Our practical workshops allow for further discernment as individuals consider whether or not God’s call on their life is to be within ordained ministry or, if not, how they can still use their innate gifts and skills in ministry through their chosen vocation.


Contact us if you would like to learn more or simply need some guidance.

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Ministry Development Services

Formerly Career And Personal Counseling Service

P.O. Box 2634

Indian Trail, NC 28079




® 2025 Ministry Development Services

Website Design by BurrisCreative

Ministry Development and Vocational Services is based in Charlotte and is extending our assessment programs to the greater New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York areas in an effort to more conveniently share our services with our partners.   MDVS, formerly Career and Personal Counseling Services, is accredited by the Ministry Development Council.  We are a non-profit, celebrating over 60 years of serving high school students, candidates for ministry, church professionals and clergy as they discern their vocation in ministry. We partner with Presbyteries in the Mid-Atlantic region, the North and South Carolina Synods of the ELCA, MCC, UUA, Western North Carolina UMC, South Carolina UMC, Quaker, American Baptist Churches, UCC, Moravian and other denominations in carrying out our mission.  In extending our services to the greater NJ, NY and PA region, we have also increased our programs to include pastoral counseling and psychotherapy.  This includes individual therapy, couple therapy, pre-marital counseling, family therapy and group therapy.  Our services are available to all members of the community regardless of race, creed, or age.  As a pastoral counseling center, we are committed to taking seriously the religious or spiritual dimension of life and are equally careful to promote no particular religious persuasion or point of view.

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