Ministerial Assessments
Ministerial / Inquirer Psychological Assessment Program​
This program helps new candidate/inquirers in the areas of addressing their realism of their call to ministry by identifying their strengths and weaknesses. MORE...
Counseling & Coaching Support
We offer programs in congregational leadership, conflict resolution, setting boundaries and self care. Our programs are designed to help ministry professionals lead balanced lives as they serve.
We provide vocational assessment and counseling to ministerial candidates and church professionals. This allows ministry professionals the ability to achieve greater success in life and their profession.
Assisting Ministry Professionals
From its inception, Ministry Development Services has concentrated its efforts in three distinct yet interrelated areas of service: supporting pastors, assessing candidates for ministry, and providing educational resources. Our core programs are designed to assist pastors and church leaders including lay leaders, missionaries and church planters throughout their calls to ministry. Services include assessment, career and retirement planning, personal and professional guidance, counseling and crisis intervention. Participants are encouraged to involve spouses and other family members whenever appropriate.

Our Services
Ministerial Candidate Assessments
Ministry Life Planning
Lay Leaders Programs
Career Evaluation & Direction
Congregational Care Programs
Clergy Colleague Groups
Judicatory Programs
Counseling Support &Coaching Services
​Youth Programs & Retreats​